Mjölknabbens Camping lets you get close to nature in a peaceful, relaxing way. Rent a rowing boat or canoe and set off into the picturesque scenery around Lake Åsnen. Only 3 km from the campsite is Sunnabro, one of the main entrances to Åsnen National Park, with lovely walking trails.

Get out in Lake Åsnen by rowing boat. With or without motor. The boats are Linder 440 aluminium boats with Mercury 4 HP,4-stroke motors. See prices here »
A large, rich fish population in Lake Åsnen. Åsnen is widely known for its plentiful fish. Many people come to stay at Mjölknabbens Camping just for the fishing.
Fishing license is bought online: (Åsnen FVO)

You’ll never forget a holiday at Mjölknabbens Camping. You can rent a canoe and paddle out into the amazing natural world of Lake Åsnen. The lake is home to Europe’s greatest concentration of osprey, and you can also see and hear the black-throated loon calling across the water in the evenings. Other birds you might see are heron and, with a bit of luck, white-tailed eagle. Because of the rich birdlife, many of the islands in the lake are protected between 1 April and 31 July. Humans are not allowed to go ashore on these islands during this time. See prices »